Our client lives in a two-storey detached house in Lewes, Sussex and was building a rear extension on both storeys with the addition of a new lower floor below this. A terrace was built at ground floor level and a balcony on the first floor. The client’s aim was to build something with style and character but which remained in harmony with the house and...
Read MoreOn this Sussex beach house the rooftop cube gives access to a roof terrace and its fantastic views. Installed in its bright form the copper is now a rich dark brown. The colour matches the dark slate cladding on the wall below (though the owners will be able to observe the slow change over the years to vivid copper green). As requested, we cut and installed the...
Read MoreMetal Roof Ltd are glad to have had the opportunity to work on this swimming pool house, built as an extension on a house in Oxford. The owners will enjoy the transformation of the roof over the years from copper-brown to...
Read MoreOur clients took on the project of enlarging and renovating their Brighton family house. Along with internal changes, this involved recladding the walls and completely rebuilding the roof.
Read MoreA new-build house on a brown-field site in Lewes, Sussex. The house has three roofs, all clad in Anthra zinc, which is not painted but chemically treated to produce its charcoal black finish. The roofs are ventilated, with close boarding under the zinc. We include here a picture of the porch – we custom-made a downpipe here as the client felt that the standard...
Read MoreThis project comprised six roofs of various shapes and sizes, including internal box gutters and cladding to parapets. The double gutter on some of the roofs, worked out between us and the main contractor, was the solution to the position of the steel beams in the main structure....
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